Saturday, December 26, 2009

Does tape really work to get rid of blackheads????

i read in 17 magazine that it would work if you put tape on a blackhead %26amp; then rip it off the tape would bring the blackhead with it!!! so i kinda am wondering because i want to get rid of my blackheads!!! :)))

xoxoxoxoxoDoes tape really work to get rid of blackheads????
scotch tape, no way. if that was the case, no one in the world would have blackheads because everyone would be doing that!

maybe like duct tape, but i never tried it.

theres biore strips made for thaat.Does tape really work to get rid of blackheads????
No. No. Please don't try this. You'll just strip it away and see nothing gone, with a big red tape-shaped splotch on your face. It might even irritate you face, causing even more blackheads, Not pleasant.

If you want to get rid of blackheads, use pore strips. You put them on your blackheads, wait about 15 minutes, and rip them off. They're much more effective, trust me. Plus, you can buy them at drugstores and they're super cheap! (I recommend the brand Biore)
no just use pore strips but if u dont want to spen money this does work-- cut old strips of fabric to fit ur nose or problem areas then put elmers glue wait for it to dry then wait 15min. works for me but u might need to use it a few times a week
Tape gets rid of surface dead skin (it appears to be gone) but the dirt and oil and dead skin are still deep in your pores. A good cleansing and exfoliating process should do the trick.
no, what you can do though is get baking soda and mix it with water, that will clean the pores deep down and leave your skin really smooth
that like whitish yellow tape sort of does. not scotch tape too much
srry im not helping but what issue was that in?

oh my....I need to know too!

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