Saturday, December 26, 2009

I have tiny blackheads on my nose, How do I permanently rid myself of them?

I would suggest getting a facial by a reputable esthetician. They will literally go through your face and squeeze out the dirt and buildup so that they are then clean. Then they will tone your face to close your pores. So ask them how to maintain a clean face/pores. They can teach you how to care for your face to maintain it's youth and vigor as well as be blackhead free. Also, this process is something you will have to figure out as you go...discovering what works for your skin type and what particular cleansing methods works best etc. But the main thing( and I don't even do this because I';m lazy) is to clean your face daily...with a mild cleanser or not even a cleanser but just warm water. Hot water dries you out and cool water keeps your pores closed. So go for warm. Like I said, once you get it really clean with one or two facials, you can just maintain it from there on out.

Otherwise there is no real way anyone can tell you how to do it because we don't know your skin texture, tone and type. Everyone is different and reacts differenly to different treatments/products so without knowing the full extent of things, I wouldn't feel right suggesting anything specific. But your esthetician will be able to once they work on you. And it's cool if others feel confident to do so. (interesting about the Swiss Kriss)...

Just know that it's dirt buildup from pollution, grease from hands and natural oils on your skin and dirt in the air. It's natural to get them but up to us to get rid of them if we want.

Good luck!I have tiny blackheads on my nose, How do I permanently rid myself of them?
I don't know.I have tiny blackheads on my nose, How do I permanently rid myself of them?
well i dont know where you live but in New Zealand we have this product called, Neutrogena blackhead control, it is a mild cleanser and works wonders,it also tightens up the pores when the black heads have gone and offers protection to stop them returning
use artistry skin care
Swiss Kriss is a natural herbal laxative. Mix one packet with two cups of boiling water in a bowl. Put your cleansed face over the bowl and drape a towel over your head so the steam will go into your face and not into the air. Stay there for no more than ten minutes. Wipe off with a towel 鈥?you鈥檒l see the debris and all the blackheads accumulation come right off.
if you are in the UK there is a blackhead remover for 2 pounds they are really good to or maybe on the net
There is this 10% benzoyl peroxide acne treatment gel called ';Zapzyt';. It tends to clear-up blackheads when used once a day (or night). It can be found at Wal-mart. It might dry-up the skin, so you may want to use a gentle soap, such as Cetaphil, when washing your face. Be sure to also drink plenty of purified water daily.
chop ur nose off, it's permanet. lol

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