Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How can I get rid of blackheads on my nose?

EXFOLIATE IT WITH SOMETHING LIKE APRICOT SCRUBHow can I get rid of blackheads on my nose?
Try exfoliating. For me, sometimes it works, but not always, sigh.

Somebody previous mentioned Biore nose strips... I want to warn you against using those though. They ARE Effective and pull out your blackheads. HOWEVER, it forcibly pulls the blackhead out, and leaves your pores wide open, which means that it's very, very easy to get an infection in there which will turn into a huge pimple.

Also, with repeated use, those strips can actually damage and scar your pores, and while you might not have blackheads, you might wind up with huge, wide-open craters for pores (that you cannot repair) in the future.

So my advice is that whatever you do, don't use those blackhead strips, however tempting they might look. They aren't worth it.

Please, don't use them.How can I get rid of blackheads on my nose?
there is no way to get rid of them. i asked my skin doctor and he said EVYONE has those lil blackheads on your nose, it's just a matter of fact of how big/small they are.

don't try to get rid of them because they produce oils that your body needs.

i'm sorry but you're just gonna have to live with it :/
Fenugreek paste remedy - aside from using its seed to make curry powder, fenugreek, through its leaves, can be a useful treatment for acne. Making a paste out of its leaves, you can produce a face mask that can be applied at night to prevent pimples and blackheads.鈥?/a>
There are a couple of websites I know that are really good for general acne advice:, then to look for different facial/body products. They have reviews as well. Not sure about the biore nose strips. .you could maybe try those. Hmm, coming from someone who's struggled with acne for 5+ years (it started later for me in life. .mid 20's), I'd say exfoliation is your best bet. .but not too much, either. Any gentle face wash that has alpha hydroxy acids or glycolic acid in it will help. . But if you're going to have face washes that have those in there (alpha hydroxy or glycolic), just don't go overboard with other products that could be more sensitive for your skin. It's all about trial and error with your skin,though. Hope this helps.

I could finally find a solution for this problem,read this blog before taking any action

Thanks to this blog, it helped me a lot to find the best method.

Hope this helps
It depends what type of skin you have, all skin types are different. Do a little research to see what your skin type is

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