Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How do i get rid of blackheads and large open pores?

Wash your face multiple times a day (3 at least) Make a consistent sleeping patturn and make sure you get enough. Stay away from greasy foods.

I heard a rumor that sometimes mint tooth past works too! If it is a constant problem I suggest seeing a dermatologist.

just based on experienceHow do i get rid of blackheads and large open pores?
tooth paste always helps me.... like pop them...and then put it on before you go to bed and chip dip also helps! sounds crazy but it helps!How do i get rid of blackheads and large open pores?
120 grit sandpaper on 1/4 HP black and decker sander .... sand until you can see underlying bone .....

Also, please dont wait long to award best answer points to me. I don't like to wait.
stop useing all that make-up
Biore Pore strips get rid of black heads and white heads, sold at Walmart and Target.
try proactive...works amazing
Excercise and Good Nutrition! I enjoy running myself!
use ponds strips they will pull those blackheads right out. then clean your face with alchol so your pores dry up and close. then use clearasil face wash to put mosture back in your face (because the alchol will dry it out)
What estheticians do is put tin foill over your face and a heat lamp onto the tin foil. This opens up the pores and the blackheads jump right onto the silver foil;. Don't attemt to do this yourself. You may loose your eyes.

Also, you can put your face over a hot steaming pot of water with mentholatum in it and cover your head with a towel. This will open the pores and make them loose enough for a facial scrub.Then, to tighten the pores, emerse your face in a sink full of ice water.
Try getting one of those cream masks. Put it on, let it dry, wash it off. The best I've found is MINT JULEP MASK. It gets rid of blackheads, dries up zits, shrinks pores. It comes in a tube and is amazing. Use it once a day for three days and you'll see a really big difference.
neutrogena facial scrub!!!! i swear by this stuff.i had TERRIBLE blackheads and my doctor recommended it
Use the Vichy line of cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. You'll find it in Shopper's Drug Mart (if you live in Canada). Either read the bottle first or ask someone which one they think is the best one for your skin type. I use and in about 2 weeks I saw the results I wanted and I haven't used anything else since.
mabey a facial, or i think theres a cleanser that you can use that warms or something to get rid of black heads...idk!
dunno, but I'll come back to find out...my nose has been rocked for years
if u wash ur skin very often, you will actually produce more oil... try using products with sal. acid or glycolic. Also use a scrub/peel 1-2 times a week. and also try BBW neem mask 2/wk after ur scrub/peel.. if it dont help go 2 the derm.
use blackhead remover and after using it give massage with mostiruzer
i need to know that too!
i know its ';drastic'; to some people but my skin isnt all that bad but then i tried proactive just to keep it clear all the time and it really gets rid of them. its not all that expensive either!
Yeah try proactiv... it actually works. But some part of my face didnt actually completely got cleared.... Maybe it will take for mine for a long time

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