Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ways to get rid of blackheads?

I have loads on my nose and they are spreading. What are some ways to get rid of them and prevent them from appearing.

What causes blackheads (so i can avoid it lol)

Thank You :)Ways to get rid of blackheads?
Blackheads are very hard to get rid of and are usually caused by dirt getting trapped under the skin. You can prevent them by using a face scrub and I know this sounds girly but use a face mask once a week. I suggest a self heating one or make sure to open your pores up in the shower by making the water hot.Because this helps the blackheads come to the surface of your skin. Clay masks are usually good but most masks work. They are usually pretty cheap you can buy masks at most supermarts etc.Ways to get rid of blackheads?
Blackheads are caused by a build up of dirt and oil in your pores. They look black because the sebum is exposed to oxygen. Sebum is the goo the comes out when you squeeze them,(you shouldn't do this)

To prevent blackheads use a daily face wash something with salicylic acid is good. Exfoliate a couple times a week with a gentle exfoliant.

If you have very oily skin use a toner in your T zone, that is the oiliest part of your face. About once a week use a clay mask over your trouble spots.

This should help prevent further spreading.

You can also seek out a dermatologist .
Try pore cleansing strips. You wet the strip, put it on the area affected by blackheads, and then wait for the strip to harden. When you pull it off many of the blackheads will come with it (you can actually see them on the strip). You should be able to find these at a drug store or Walmart.
Nose strips work pretty well for removing black heads.

Biore is a good brand.鈥?/a>
Try using Clean and Clear Blackhead Clearing Scrub.

it works very well and fast too.

i wouldnt suggest popping them though cuz that could scar.
I don't have any blackheads so I am sorry you do. but all of my stupid friends pop them. its kinda gross but it works for them so...
Wash your face... and you have no problems.

Not trying to be mean.

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