Thursday, December 17, 2009

I have very large pores with blackheads all over my nose. Will anything actually help to get rid of them?

I have used numerous products, but nothing has really worked. Any tips and/or suggestions would really be appreciated!!I have very large pores with blackheads all over my nose. Will anything actually help to get rid of them?
Blackhead Removal

The following are some tips for removing blackheads:

- Keep the skin as clean and oil free as possible. Use natural or chemically prepared cleansers, astringent solutions or masks to accomplish this. Avoid harsh soaps that may irritate the skin or any creams that leave an oily finish.

- Use a gentle exfoliant to keep the dead cells off your skin and away from the pore openings.

- Avoid harsh squeezing or scraping at the blackhead. Excessive squeezing can damage the skin surround the pore and can actually increase the size of the pore leading to more blackheads in the future.

- A warm compress of water applied to the area of the blackhead followed by a very, very gentle pressure can help in clearing the clog from the pore.

- Commercial “blackhead strips” which are basically a tape like substance that is placed over the nose and then pulled off will remove some blackheads that are at the surface. Caution should be used with these products and it is important to read the directions completely before deciding to use the strips or not.I have very large pores with blackheads all over my nose. Will anything actually help to get rid of them?
Have you tried the pore strips?

If you can afford to go to a dermatologist that is the only other thing I can think of unfortunately.
Perhaps those cream specially 4 blackskins would help.
I have the same problem and the only person that can help is a dermatologist. Many years back I used SYY pdts and went for 5 sessions of microdermabrasion. It greatly minimized my enlarged clogged pores, lesser white and black heads too. Currently, I am with DrX, for both treatment and pdts. They have a pdt call DrX CF which is particularly good for white/blackheads. Another brand you can try is Dermadex, which have a cleanser and cream specifically for white/black heads.
Have you tried St. Ives Aprocot Scrub?

Its for all skin types but oil free so you dont have to worry about a different problem once uv cleared up the first!

I use it and i think its great!!!
have you tried biore pore strips? and clean and clear blackhead clearing scrub? do a pore strip once a week and scrub your face twice a day..
Use hot water steam for 15 min. everyday and then try to remove them gently without much pressure. they will come out easily. you will see good results
you could get a microembrassion.
Proactive Solution is FANTASTIC. I have the large pores and blackheads too. After about two weeks, I noticed a reduction. The blackeheads are now completely gone. I don't think anything out there really can permanently change the size of your pores. But I have found that Proactive CLEANS your face better than anything I have ever used. It's amazing. Not just another ';as seen on TV'; product. I'm about to try their make-up products. Although this product is targeted to teens and early twenties, anyone can use it and it is also marketed for adult acne. I am 35 years old and had mild to moderate acne on my chin %26amp; forehead. I have not had a new pimple form since I've been using the product for 3 months now. It's fabulous and worth every penny.
yes if u dont have senstive skin like me get proactive it really works my brother uses it and you can tell when he dosent use it if you do have senstive skin then use a clesing pad or sumthing thats wut i use
The only real remedy would most likely be laser treatment if you want to reduce the size of the pores.

Unfortunately, the more you clean, the bigger the pores seem to get. But, if they are already enlarged, as you've mentioned, keeping them clean will at least help reduce the appearance, especially when close up.

If you decide to look into laser treatment, it would be a good idea to shop around and compare prices and services.....good luck
Proactiv , proactiv , proactiv , and proactiv!!!!! Gets rid of those little nasty black heads in just 3 days!!!! It really works girl! I use it!!!
Tips to remove blackheads…
i used to have huge pores and they got smaller after i used proactive.
I would recommend some witch hazel. It can be found at all most any food store or market. It is usually found near the alchool. Rub it on your face and nose twice a day. And they should start to go away. Good luck.
If you've tried some blackhead cleansers and acne spot treatments and nothing has worked, my suggestion is to go to a derm[atoligist] and see what they suggest. There aren't many other solutions. Good luck!

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